Panama Canal
How was the Panama Canal built and why? What problems were faced? Find out in this short video. Titanic
The unsinkable ship sank. Find out some more about it in this video. Castles
We learned the Age of Castles ended when gunpowder and cannons made them obsolete. But did you wonder what rooms and structures made up a castle? This video will help you learn more. Cinco de Mayo
No, it IS NOT Mexican Independence Day, find out what it is celebrating and who actually celebrates it (you'll be surprised) A Moment in Time
Our president for most of the 1920's was the exact opposite of the "Roaring" nickname the decade earned. Learn about a famous story of the man nicknamed "Silent Cal" A Moment in Time
How could you prove the signature on a check was yours? Hear one man's unique story from a moment in history. A Moment in Time
Sidd Finch, Blair WItch, Milli Vanilli, and Jersey Shore. What is the line between the truth and entertainment? Orson Wells' Halloween invasion of the earth shows us that we must always be discerning. A Moment in Time
African Americans breaking the color barrier in 1947 led to many of the defining moments in both World Series play and the history of our country. A Moment in Time
You may have played Poona and not even realized it. Find out how a popular backyard game had it's name changed as it moved from India to England. A Moment in Time
Teddy Roosevelt was known for his ability to motivate action with his word. Here is a story that is an example of that which leads to a company's famous slogan |